SECRET OF EGYPT : who built the pyramids and how they were built?

-Dr CP Trivedi
The seekers of Egyptology are repeatedly asking question, how and why pyramids were built The Egyptian civilization was very advance and spread in vast area like Indus Valley its contemporary civilization, and Grand Canyon, Arizona, North America. They have touched the zenith of the Creation modern science is far away to touch their height. The civilization destroyed with the natural catastrophe buried in the sea. The underground treasure of fossil fuel in the desert is its testimony. The pyramids, the underground cave city Grand Canyon, North America, Harappa, and Mohen-jo-Daro cities in Indus Valley, Rock cut out Temple complex Kailash Ellora, India are hoofs of their traces. UNESCO included them in the world heritage list. They used photon-phonon technology DNA technology, solar technology, and engraved their achievements on petroglyphs, pyramids and walls of the temple, Gold – Copper plates with its text in Vedic Lexicography. They have prepared giants with DNA technology, and Robots to use in construction. The skeletons are in London Museum, and Robots with Smithsonian Institute.

The pyramids and the underground cave city were built to trace vital life consciousness in the deep sea near to the earth’s geomagnetic belt’
Scientists have observed it in the ocean’s inmost depth as its source. The wise man search his station of rays to travel beyond space and time in the deep ocean of earth’s geomagnetic belt.

Deep Tunnel at Grand Canyon
Kathleen Martinez discovered a tunnel that may lead to the lost tomb. Credit: Kathleen Martinez-Nazar/Taposiris Magna Project

The most interesting discovery is the complex of tunnels leading to the Mediterranean Sea and sunken structures,” she added. Exploring these underwater structures will be the next stage of her search for the Egyptian queen’s lost tomb — a journey that began in 2005.
A combination of two pictures shows the tunnel discovered underneath Egypt’s ancient Taposiris Magna Temple near Alexandria, November 2022 (Egypt’s Tourism and Antiquities Ministry)
Archeologists in Egypt have uncovered a vast underground tunnel near the city of Alexandria, and hope it may lead them to the long-lost tomb of Egypt’s last pharaoh and possibly its most famous ruler, Queen Cleopatra VII.
Science of life to travel beyond space and time

Once only once, the heaven was made, and once only once, the earth was formed. Once, only PriŚni’s milk (chlorophyll) was shed: no second, after this, is born Rig-Veda 6-48-22
It has been expressed that in the history of creation once only once the earth has taken its shape with cosmology. Prishni’s milk, Prishni is the name of a cow, that gives all types of food, the shed of chlorophyll pigment and DNA has been expressed by Prishni’s milk. It is the source of food chains and food webs in nature and feeds the creation with photosynthesis.



with lips, that stammer, hymn chanters wander and are discontented Rig. 10-82-7
The lip-shaped space enclosed in the body is the seat of vital energy
Serpent power ‘Kundalini’ You will not find him who produced these a hidden source of life in the body, it lies dormant at the base between the pelvic girdle.
Enwrapt in misty cloud’, with lips, that stammer, hymn chanters wander and are discontented Rig. 10-82-7
Lip shaped cavity at the base of sitting is the place of Serpent power ‘KUNDALINI’ VITAL ENERGY.
SEARCHED at Grand Canyon with Giants

THE Pyramids of Egypt, the Underground cave city at the Grand Canyon, Arizona, North America, and Rock cut Temple Complex, Maharashtra ELLORA India are ancient monuments of the oldest civilization on the Earth. The Rosetta Granite stone in the British Museum London is its testimony, as the Heritage of mankind. They have touched the zenith of the creation and used pictographic Lexicography, where each word, sentence or hymn has a symbol with its text in the Veda.
I have traced its root in pre-cosmic cosmology and the sun.
The earth is a part of our solar system, which is one unit of the cosmos. The human body is a microcosm inside a macrocosm. All can be searched just like a drop of water in the sea can reveal the character of the ocean I have studied the sun with the naked eyes with my yogic practice otherwise it is impossible to face the sun even for a second with confirmation from Egypt Rosetta granite stone, pyramids of the Egypt, Gold plate Grand Canyon North. America, NASA pictures & Veda,
I have observed the nuclear reactions on the sun’s surface with blasts and light. The photon and phonon run in a straight way in concentric circles. It has been confirmed from the Sun disc gold plate Grand Canyon and Veda.
The digitally stacked sequence reveals that the photon and phonon running in concentric circles from the sun Grand Canyon Star Trails NASA – March 3, 2013. Scientists are searching the Dark matter, is not matter. The dark atmosphere is hidden in the interior of the sun, black caters, and sunspots, which explode with blasts and light.
The shock waves are antimagnetic, white, and travel with supersonic speed, and dark matter is an inactive condensed zone of magnetism without movement, just like a waste. The shock waves are ‘anti-matter of dark matter, immortal with opposite character. It appears first in the pre-cosmic darkness like the shock waves appear before the earthquake, and activated the dark matter with resonance with blast and light. The photon and photon are complementary to each other.
Sun Disc Grand Canyon SUN’S INTERIOR SURFACE, the Dark matter is in the interior of the sun

Gold plate Grand Canyon SUN is the soul and eye of the creation Rig. 1–115–1
One of the natural wonders of planet Earth, the Grand Canyon in the American southwest stretches across this early evening sky scape. The concentric arcs are centered on the north celestial pole, the extension of Earth’s rotation axis into space, presently near the bright star Polaris.

The photon and phonon run in a straight way complementary to each other coming from the sun in concentric circles. It is the confirmation of my observation with the naked eyes of my Yogic practice.
The activation of dark matter is the activation of inherent magnetism in the cosmos, with the formation of charged elementary particles. The electrostatic force is the force that governs the motion of the elementary particles, which caused them to aggregate or collide in various ways with oxidation and reduction with the transfer of electrons.
The photon and phonon have a broad complementary spectrum from gamma rays to radio waves with equal and opposite wavelengths. The immortal phonon stimulates the event with electron configuration and half-spin change in the opposite wavelength and the photon undergoes the synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s Equation E=Mc².
The flow of the photon and photon has been halted with the Higgs field underlying space imparted mass to the elementary particles.

Higgs field and mass to the elementary particles.
All elementary particles are vibrating with the resonance of vibration and their respective charge. They are complementary to each other from gamma rays to radio waves. They find their resonance with resonance. The resonant vibrations of electromagnetic rays, touch, press-mark, and rebound. The colliding protons, decaying into hadron jets and electrons, converted them into electric vibrations to join them in series with phonic compression electromagnetic force. It has maintained its continuity in the molecules and the matter with Higgs field 2013 with asteroids and planets.
Theory Higgs field 1914, phonon scattered the photon in a crystal Lie et al 2014, Einstein 1923 there must be two equal and opposite forces. The photon is the smallest unit of light, and the immortal phonon is the smallest unit of the sound wave vibration are connected at the molecular level with equal and opposite wavelengths.
Vedic scientist with DNA on the flag, from Indus Valley to Grand Canyon


Down on which looks the purple–tinted Eagle. Pour ye that flowing wave this day, deft-handed Rig-Veda 10-30-2
Go thou unto those Waters, O Adhwaryu, and purify with herbs what thou infusest rich in sweets, child of water 10-30-5 (Alchemy)
The place, where the rocks are shining looks like purple tinted Eagle. With the skill of technology, the flowing hypersonic waves can be collected as children of water. The water flowing here is enriched with vital power, purifying it with herbs and a child of water.
It is the same vital energy, which holds the creation, life consciousness, and working everywhere. Its place is in the deep sea water aligned with the earth’s geomagnetic belt.
Greatest Discovery of Indus Valley Einstein’s Unification Theory
The discovery of the Higgs field in 2013, and the recent discovery of gravitational waves in 2015 is akin to phonon. The photons can be scattered by phonons in a crystal Lie et al 2014 Scientists have heard the sound in the artificial atom. Einstein said in a Nobel lecture in 1923 that there exist two distinct fields independent of each other by their nature,
The photon and phonon are two distinct equal and opposite complementary forces of Nature. The phonon is antimagnetic, immortal, and earliest, it has activated the dark matter in the pre-cosmic condition with blast and light with the fundamental energy in action.
The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force photon and phonon. The phonon stimulates the event and the photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time, under the laws of thermodynamics. Einstein’s equation E=Mc². The phonon stimulates the language of the DNA from generation to generation with new life.
Key words-Phonon, Photon, DNA New Life
The greatest discovery of the Indus Valley, Vedic civilization is Einstein’s Unification Theory Akin to phonon, on this, the Veda and the Indian culture is based on firm scientific background. It was rediscovered at Indus Valley and engraved on the Gold Plate excavated from the Indus Valley.
The Gold Plate explores; The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force photon and phonon. The phonon stimulates the event and the photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time, under the laws of thermodynamics. Einstein’s equation E=Mc². He drives the sun and the planets like a car wheel. Life is the trinity of three immortals. Tvashta DNA is the vessel of Life. The immortal phonon beholds all existing.

Phonon wav‘‘One of the pair beholdeth all existing things; the other ordereth seasons and is born again’’ Rg.10- LXXXV-18
Phonon beholds all existing
The Creation has evolved from fundamental energy, under the laws of thermodynamics. Einstein’s equation E=Mc².
Einstein was motivated by an intellectual need to unify the forces of nature. He felt very strongly that all of nature must be described by a single theory. The intellect seeking after an integrated theory cannot rest content with the assumption that there exist two distinct fields independent of each other by their nature, Einstein said in his Nobel lecture in 1923.
The Phonon is the earliest. It has activated the dark matter with resonance. The phonon and photon manifested with blast and light as a dualistic complementary force of vital energy. The phonon stimulates the event to happen and the photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s equation E=Mc².
Dualistic Force of Vital Energy
The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon, it has been termed both the father and their son metaphorically. The phonon is immortal.
उ॒तैषां॑ पि॒तोत वा॑ पु॒त्र ए॑षामु॒तैषां॑ ज्ये॒ उ॒त वा॑ कनिः॒।
एको॑ ह दे॒वो मन॑सि॒ प्रवि॑ष्टः प्रथ॒मो जा॒तः स उ॒ गर्भेऽ अ॒न्तः॥
Both their father is also their son; both the chief is also the meanest (Kani–—ha) of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb Ath. 10-8-28
The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon. They together have been termed as both the father and their son metaphorically. of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb. . Out of these two, one Phonon has entered in the mind first and stimulates the language of DNA in the womb, the phonon is earliest, it has activated the Dark matter in pre=cosmic condition.
पर्वा॒प॒रं चरतो मा॒ययै॒तौ शिशू क्रोडन्तौ परि यातोऽर्ण॒वम्।
विश्वा॒न्यो भुवना वि॒चष्ट ऋतूँरन्यो वि॒दधज्जायसे॒ नवः ॥२३॥
By their power, these Twain in close succession move; They go as playing children around the sacrifice.
The electromagnetic rays travel with vibrations and sound in close succession with actions and interactions.
‘‘One of the pair beholdeth all existing things; the other ordereth seasons and is born again’’ Rg.10- LXXXV-18b. One holds all existing things is phonon, which is immortal, and other photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time and is born again.
The immortal phonon follows The Ashvins nucleotide pair from generation to generation with new life

I invoke the Agni- (fundamental energy) who is the priest, Deva (fundamental particles), sacrificer, and reciter of the Srishti, Yajna, which is the treasure of jewels Rig.1-1-1
The creation has evolved from the fundamental energy under the laws of thermodynamics and Einstein’s equation E=Mc².
The Phonon is the earliest. It has activated the dark matter with resonance. The phonon and photon manifested with blast and light as a dualistic complementary force of vital energy.
Sa Suryah paryuru varansyendro va vratyadrathyeva chakra rIg.10-89-2 A
SÈrya is he; throughout the wide expenses shall Indra turn him, swift as car wheel, hither.
He drives the sun and others like a wheel of the Rath-car.
The cyclic order has been exhibited symbolically through the Chakra wheel; He is in the center of the Sun to drive the sun and other planets like a wheel of a car throughout the wide expanses. The Indra Electricity turns him swift as a car wheels at the sun and in all directions.
fig 16
Our solar system is a small unit in the vast ocean of the cosmos. It appeared first as an egg-shaped cavity from the infinite sky with the movement of vibration waves in the pre-cosmic condition. The vibration waves tarried for many tears and activated the dormant fundamental energy in action with blast and light,
The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and photon has been termed as both the father and their son metaphorically.
Both their father is also their son; both the chief is also the meanest (Kani–—ha) of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb Ath. 10-8-28
The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon. They together have been termed as both the father and their son metaphorically. of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb. . Out of these two, one Phonon has entered in the mind first and stimulates the language of DNA in the womb, the phonon is earliest, it has activated the Dark matter in pre=cosmic condition.
The phonon and photon are connected at the molecular level with the equal and opposite wavelength
The photon and phonon run in a straight way like two parallel streams, their flow has been halted by the formation of atoms, molecules,s, and matter with asteroids and planets.
The rapid flow of the Photon and Phonon are like two rivers Vipa¬a and «study, their flow has been halted with the formation of the atoms in existence in series with Higgs field space. They have maintained their continuity in the molecule, matter, and cell body. The dancing of the photons has been halted by the phonon with the stability of the subatomic particles in atoms series..
With cosmology, the purine and the pyrimidine base pair of Ashvin nucleotide pair of DNA shed like the bullet
The purine and the pyrimidine base pair differ only in Nitrogen and divide in the air just like the image in the mirror.
Through this, they have maintained their continuity from the ‘Nebula’ to earth and in the slime soup with the origin of life from DNA with the cordial atmospheric condition for the origin of life.
Live As birds their nest upon the tree Rig. 10-127-4
DNA is a vessel of life with the three immortal, at the point of contact of two different DNA a triplet code is activated by a phonon wave, it is the genetic identity of new DNA with life in the womb.
Cheerers of many, rich in goods, discoverers of opulence, The Ashvins, Riders through the sky, have welcomed this my song of praise 12 Rig-8-812
Life has evolved from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division.
The celestial race cell, the Ribhu-
The Nucleus has been termed Brihaspati, the DNA has been termed as Tvashta and Vivasvat, the chromosome has been termed as Yama the cell division has been expressed as a re-newel of parents.
- The sacrifice ladle, wrought newly by the God Tvasht’s hand (DNA) Four ladles have ye made thereof.
The sacrificial ladles (developing cells) were made new with Tvashta-genetic material,
With regards
Dr.C.P. Trivedi
09425456518 Indore India